Brand Refresh

Complete Brand Re-Deployment Package

Present a stronger, more Targeted brand
Alexandria Associates logo

Pivot to Stronger

Whether you've outgrown your website, your logo, or your overall branding, refreshing outdated and lower-impact marketing is a smart investment. The market changes, customers and products evolve, and it's essential that your public-facing image helps you compete. With the Brand Refresh package, the ALX team will tackle creating a fresh brand image that feels right for you and that achieves your business goals.

Start with Listening

You've learned a lot since your first marketing initiatives. We'll start with a thorough audit of your existing brand footprint.

But we don't stop there. All of our creative work is informed by gathering intelligence so your brand is in a strong positioned to stand out in your market landscape and to trigger the right emotional response with your target audience.

From digital traffic analysis to client interviews, your refreshed brand will be built on research and carefully evaluated data.

Creative Process

We start with centering your values and your ROI goals into our creative work. Whether it's designing a website that focuses on driving sales for your new product or crafting logo options that features the passion behind your organization's purpose, our creative is about more than being aesthetically pleasing, it's about achieving the business results you need.

Your Grand Reveal

When your new refreshed brand is ready, we'll help you get the maximum awareness with a custom campaign hyper-focused on your key audiences. This might include PR, a social media campaign, a pitch deck, experiential activities and more.


Brand Refresh Options


Customer Expectations & Motivations
Audience Definition & Personas
Customer Journey Mapping
Brand Directions

Brand Re-Imagination

Palette & Typography
Messaging/Content Plan
Digital Strategy
Web Prototype & Design


New Website Build
Sales/Pitch Deck
Social Presence
Talking Points

The Process

How it works

Custom PLan

Kickoff with a project strategy session

Our first step in helping you find the perfect new brand or website is to gather intelligence from your team about the insights you've gained that are important to include in this refresh.


Essential research

A custom plan will be created based on your unique market niche to build a foundation of data and intelligence to guide your brand refresh towards a high-impact focus.


Concept development

Beautiful creative is essential, but it's not enough. It has to generate the exact emotions your unique brand seeks to cultivate, to facilitate the continuum of your customer's journey.


Template construction

We will map out your new website features, navigation and flow in your new design style for you to provide feedback and refinement.

Assets Design

Bringing design to life

Once we've identified your new unique brand style, we'll build out everything you need from business cards to icons to pitch deck templates and more.

Website Build

Construction of your responsive website

The ALX team specializes in Webflow and Wordpress site construction and will ensure you have a secure, gorgeous website that works well on everything from mobile to desktop and beyond.


Prepare to be findable

Building on digital traffic analysis, our content and configuration recommendations will be focused on ensuring your site is findable for your intended audience.

Social Build

Updating your brand social footprint

We'll provide a complete package of updated brand graphics to use in your social media accounts.

Go-live Plan

Prepare to launch

Bringing your updated brand and/or website to life must be done thoughtfully to ensure that everything goes live without any interruptions. We'll help you navigate this shift with care.


Go-live with your fresh new brand

When all is ready, we'll make your new brand presence public and provide expert support your for all of your early-phase brand refresh needs.

Because your mission matters

The world needs good businesses, good places to work, good products & solutions. We're here to help you build yours.

Get Started

Interested in finding out what a custom Brand Refresh package could look like for your next project? 

Let's talk